Fitzphie Fanfiction | Fandom (2024)


FitzphieForeverr·9/6/2020in Short Stories and Fanfictions

Fitzphie Fanfiction

This is my first fanfiction so please bear with me during the slow parts and I hope everyone likes it! I will hopefully post my first chapter today or tomorrow. Please comment if you see this so I know if I have readers! Enjoy!

- KT

(Edited by administrators)

Sophie and Fitz


Chapter 1 (I think most chapters will be from Sophie’s point of view so just assume they are unless it says otherwise at the start of the chapter.)

Sophie kept her head down as she headed to the Foxfire cafeteria for lunch. She didn’t want to draw attention to herself even more that usual because four days ago the information leaked to the entire school that she had broken up with Fitz. The actual breakup had happened almost a month ago but they had been trying to keep it on the down low. They had been pretty successful until Marella got wind of it. Marella had become a pretty good friend of Sophie but she had always been one for gossip.

Sophie felt a hand on her shoulder. A sharp accented voice filled her head. (*) ⬅️ The star in brackets means they are transmitting.Fitz: Can I talk to you for a minute?Sophie knew exactly who it was before she looked behind her. She had been trying to avoid him for a while. (*)Sophie: Sure. She turned to find a pair of gorgeous teal eyes staring at her intently. Fitz led her into an empty classroom. “We’ll keep watch from out here.” Sandor squeaked. He was referring to himself, Bo and Flori. Her bodyguards as well as Fitz’s goblin bodyguard, Grizel. “Okay.” Sophie peeped. She was starting to get nervous. She hadn’t talked to Fitz one on one for a while. “Can we talk telepathically?” Fitz asked. (*)Sophie: Yeah.Fitz: Are you okay? You’ve seemed a little out of it for the past few days. And you’ve been avoiding me. We were okay after you decided we should be just friends. What happened?Sophie bit her lip.(*)Fitz: Sophie you can tell me anything. You know that, right?Sophie: yeah...Fitz: are you okay?Sophie: I miss you! I mean, I miss us. Together. I still like you!Sophie started blushing like crazy. Why did I say that??? She thought.(*)Fitz:Sophie.Sophie: (mentally whispers) what?Fitz: I still like you too.

That is the end of chapter one. If you guys think it was too confusing with the symbols for transmitting and other stuff, leave it in the comments so I can change it. Let me know if you liked this chapter!


(Edited by FitzphieForeverr)



Noice im a sophitz guy and i like it but yea the transmitting seems to clumped could you do it more like this? or use italics?

Fitz: Can I talk to you for a minute? Sophie knew exactly who it was before she looked behind her. She had been trying to avoid him for a while.

(*) Sophie: Sure. She turned to find a pair of gorgeous teal eyes staring at her intently. Fitz led her into an empty classroom.

“We’ll keep watch from out here.” Sandor squeaked. He was referring to himself, Bo and Flori. Her bodyguards as well as Fitz’s goblin bodyguard, Grizel. “Okay.” Sophie peeped. She was starting to get nervous. She hadn’t talked to Fitz one on one for a while. “Can we talk telepathically?” Fitz asked.

i mean the content is great

(Edited by CrimsonJeff)




(Edited by CrimsonJeff)


Yeah I am not sure what happened with my spacing and extra lines. I had the telepathy like this.(*)Fitz:Can I talk to you for a minute?Sophie knew exactly who it was before she looked behind her. She had been trying to avoid him for a while. (*)Sophie: Sure.

Yeah so that is how I had it and then I posted it and it got messed up for some reason. Also I tried to use italics but that didn’t work either. I am on iPad so that might be why? Thank you for the feedback and I am glad you like the content!

(Edited by FitzphieForeverr)


Fitzphie Fanfiction | Fandom (7)

if you can see that then that is a screenshot of what it looked like for me before I posted it but as soon as I pressed okay it screwed it up!☹️

(Edited by FitzphieForeverr)


This is great!

(Edited by FosterFanClub09)


Thank you! I will post the next chapter tomorrow. Or maybe tonight but probably not.

(Edited by FitzphieForeverr)


Bold textThis is just a test to see if some things are working properly.

Italic text‘is really Hope this works

(*) telepathyOkay end of test if this works I will start working on chapter 2.

(Edited by FitzphieForeverr)


Okay now I have to do a new test becaus with messed up. Is this working???Is this working???

(Edited by FitzphieForeverr)

What do you think?

Fitzphie Fanfiction | Fandom (2024)
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