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Free Trial
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- Publication:
- Messenger-Inquireri
- Location:
- Owensboro, Kentucky
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 3
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CHAS ROBERTS HOPKINS COUNTY GETS YEAR AND DAI Accused of Using Mails To Defraud James Snead Sent Up or Two Years On Liquor Charge With one of the lightest criminal and civil dockets to be disposed of in the district federal court in Ow ensboro since taking the bench Judge Charles I Dawson Monday afternoon convened the May term disposing of the criminal cases in quick order Six penitentiary sen tences were given five being against defendants charged with violation of the prohibition law and the other violation of the postal laws In ordering the ease of William Conrad McLean county farmer charged with manufacturing whisky and possessing a still dis missed when the court sensed the fact that the state officers were attempting to "shove their cases on the Judge Daw son said: "The state is not going to unload those cases on me and the commissioner must not do it I've got enough to do to try pro hibition agents' cases and the state officers just want to ride an easy horse Thad's what your state courts are for If your local courts convict elect those that Women Plead tSuilty Two young matrons both form er postmasters entered pleas of guilty when they were arraigned before Judge Dawson on charges of embezzling postal funds and were each given six months jail sentences Mrs anny Winstead of Wheat croft admitted embezzling 16416 from the postoffice at Wheatcroft and was sentenced to six months in the county jail She was given until November 28 be fore final sentence will be pass ed upon her Mrs Kunice ranklin of St Charles Hopkins county who ap pears to be in her teens carrying a three months old baby appeared before Judge Dawson and entered a plea of guilty to embezzlement of $57789 from the postoffice at St Charles The court sentenced her to six months in jail which he suspended and placed the young mother on probation for five years Darlington Man Sentenced Charles Roberts alias rank Bishop of Darlington charged with using the mails to defraud was found guilty by a jury and tire court fixed his sentence at one year and a day in the Atlanta pen itentiary Lawrence Lynn In dicted jointly with Roberts was dismissed on peremptory instruc tions Roberts Is alleged to have engi neered a scheme by which he had written to a Chicago firm asking the price on certain brass checks which were to be the exact dupli cate of those used by the West Kentucky Coal company at" Darl ington The Illinois firm sensing a scheme to defraud notified pos tal authorities and a trap was set in which Roberts was arrested at the Madisonville postoffice as he was about to sign for a registered letter which proved to be' a decoy containing only' a blank piece of paper Snead Gets Two Years James Snead Owensboro who had previously been convicted in federal court and served a term in the federal penitentiary was found guilty by a jury on a trans porting liquor charge and was sen tenced by Judge Dawson to two years in the penitentiary at Atlan ta Roy Newcomb Owensboro ar rested with Snead pleaded guilty and was sentenced tog one year and a day in the penitentiary Daniel Webster Goodaker of Carbondale Hopkins county was found guilty by a jury on a charge of manufacturing whisky and was sentenced by the court to two years in the penitentiary Goodak er according to the arresting offi cers had figured in federal court on liquor charges on three other occasions Clifton Price of Carbon dale section indicted jointly with Rheumatism Uric Acid Poison Starts To Leave Body In 24 Hours All Pain Agony and Inflammation Gone In 48 Hours Make up your mind that unless you treat Rheumatism Neuritis Neuralgia or Sciatica in the RIGHT way periodically suffer the rest of your The superb ingredients of the Al lenru prescription are favorably known and its marvelous pain end ing power banishes all discomfort compounded to drive out of muscles joints and tissues those excess uric acid deposits which cause agony of mind and body hat a joy to know that never again need you sit up all night suf fering terrible pain what a bless ing to know you can conquer this insidious affliction without harm ful drugs opiates or brain numbing tablets which relieve only for a short time A large 8 yz bottle of Allenru costs but 85c And Weir's Drug store and prominent druggists all over the say "If one bottle of Allenru end your pain more quickly if it give more lasting results than any other treatment we'll gladly re turn your Allenru for 4s hours then back on Mhe Job again Advertisem*nt Goodaker attempted to take the entire blame for the offense en tering a plea of guilty and ex oneating Goodaker The jury how ever thought otherwise and re turned a verdict of guilty against Goodaker Price was sentenced to one year and a day in the federal penitentiary Plea of Guilty Alfred Smith Hawkins of Madi sonville entered a plea of guilty to two charges of transporting liq uor and was sentenced to two years In the penitentiary on one charge and six months in the county tail probated on the sec ond charge Hawkins was first arrested when the officers found seventeen gallons of whisky in an automobile he was operating The last time he was arrested Hawkins had 93 gallons of whisky which he was transporting according to his statement Willis Jewell Owensboro en tered a plea of guilty to a charge of transporting liquor and was sentenced to one year in the peni tentiary Charles Travis Ow ensboro driver of the car was sen tenced to six months in jail ail probated Two Months To Servo Henry Hanning Jr entered a plea of guilty to a charge of trans porting liquor and was sentenced to six months in the county jail four months being probated The charge against Hubert Mattingly who was riding with Hanning at the time he was taken into custody was dismissed Ernest Morris of Hopkins coun ty entered a plea of guilty to a charge of manufacturing liquor and was sentenced to six months in Hie county jail four months pro bated Euell Williams and Lucian Wil liams of Hopkins county charged with possessing a still and possess ing liquor were found not guiltv by a jury and the cases against them were dismissed Ambrose Pressley charged with a violation of the Harrison narcotic act entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to 12 months in jail eleven months probated The cases of Mary Hickey and Henry Good charged with a vio lation of the Harrison narcotic act were transferred to Louisville both defendants being confined In the Jefferson county 1ail Jesse Marks of Webster county entered a plea of guilty to charge of manufacturing liquor and was sentenced to six months In the county jail four months probated Picas of Guilty Clyde Woodford and Bland ford charged with transporting liquor entered a plea of guilty and were each sentenced to six months in the county jail four months being probated' in each case William Hoskins arrested with Woodford and Blandford wras dismissed William Williams negro alias "Big Williams of Henderson charged with forging a money or der was sentenced to 12 months in the county jail nine months pro bated Arthur Aubrey Huskisson charg ed with stealing from a rural mall box entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to 12 months in the county jail eleven months probat ed The case of Thomas Huskisson charged with a like offense was continued the latter not having been apprehended Case iled Away The case of Ortle Bryant of Rumsey charged with transport ing liquor was filed away The case of John Holman of Chris tian county charged with forging and passing obligations on the United States was continued John Hawkins of Madisonville charged with transporting liquor was dismissed "In union there is said Judge Dawson as he dismiss ed the conspiracy charges to vio late the liquor law against Wave ley Tabor Obie Bryant Elton Ta bor Curley Staton Albert Powers and Robert Stroud The govern ment had only one witness sum moned who failed to appear and the court was of the opinion that the defendants could take care of themselves on the witness stand and upon District Attorney Sparks' motion the case was dismissed Sam Whitehouse of Heb bardsville Henderson county en tered a plea of guilty to a charge of manufacturing and possessing liquor and was fined $300 of which $250 was suspended our Months To Serve John uller charged with manu facturing liquor entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to six months in the county jail two months probated The case against Harris Carrico charged with a liq uor law violation was continued The case of Clift Pool of Hop kins county charged with selling whisky was filed away with leave to reinstate The cases against William Mc Coy and Alfred Crump of Gray son county were filed away with leave to reinstate Carlos Vincent Owensboro charged with selling whisky was fined $100 and the amount probated Russell Under hill arrested with Vincent was not before the court and the charge tiled away with the leave to rein state A incent Berkley negro Owens boro charged with transporting liquor was sentenced to six months in the county jail all Berkley had previously served throe months in jail before he was to give bond Ell Marcotte of Detroit Mich charged with violation of the mo tor theft act has not been appre hended and the case was filed away with leave to reinstate Albert Evitts of Central City charged with selling whisky was dismissed A entress of Daw son Springs charged with selling whisky was dismissed The case against Tedloe Orkiese of Central City charged with sell ing liquor was filed away with leave to reinstate The case against Jeannette Talbott negro woman Owensboro charged with liquor Jaw violation was passed Mrs Sanford Milburn Owens boro charged with a liquor law THE INQUIRER OWENSBORO KY TUESDAY MAY 3 1932 PAGE THREE violation whose case was continu ed over from the November term was allowed to go on probation Mrs Raymond Vowells Owens boro charged with selling and pos sessing whisky had her case reset for Wednesday The grand jury returned nine teen indictments after which it ad journed Members of that body were uqua foreman Robert Palmer A Kantman rank aith A Bland Chesley Dunn Charles Boston Lee Bruner Henry Wittstein Bud Temple Louis Hayes Walker Charles Hambleton Iva Whittinghill Erton King Scolt Hurf Members of the petit jury fol low: Kelley Short Robert Head I Jones Homer Rem mington Cummings John Hendricks Tinsley Pollard Roy Crawley Craf ton Kimsey Joe King Rog ers Ashby Campbell orest Cates Wells Hillary Bas kets Arnold McGre gor Ashby I Tombs Bolton Qualls Witten ox Wallace Brown Vaughn Bob Nall Martin Moore Yontz Joljn Tully George Sparks A McGill Guy McDaniel A Ilor rcli Latta Providence Asks or Pool Station Stemming District Head Will Consider Request Providence Ky May 3 A del egation of Providence business men including Sugg Morgan Tom Hill and Lucien Ruby held a conference with A Mit chell president of the Stemming District Tobacco association in his office in Henderson last week seeking to have an association re ceiving station located in Provi dence At present there are receiving station only in Henderson and Madisonville After the conference Mr Mitch ell said he would lay the proposi tion before the board of directors at the next meeting Miss Elva Blackwell 16 year old Providence school girl who suffer ed facial wounds while her father Dan Blackwell was discharging a shotgun at a dog in the yard of their home on the night of April 17 has returned from the Madi sonville hospital where she had been a patient Two pellets from the shotgun charge lodged in the girl's eves and it has been announced that after several days at home she will undergo another examination to determine whether her vision has been destroyed At a special meeting of the Prov idence city council an ordinance was passed imposing a license tax upon all persons firms or corpor ations operating bowling alleys ten pin alley pool tables billiard tables pigeon hole tables or tables similar thereto The annual lic ense fee was set at $500 for the first table or alley and $25 for each additional table or alley orty Hours To Conclude Tonight Special Services Are Being Held At St orty Hours devotion began at St Stephen's Catholic church with high mass at 10 o'clock Sunday morning and will conclude at 7:30 tonight with sermon preached by the Rev ather Basil of the Passionist order of Louis ville The services opened with the customary procession with children taking part and flower girls strewing flowers before the Blessed Sacrament carried by the Rev ather Basil The sermon Sunday morning wa3 preached by the Rev Richard Maloney pastor and sermons Sun day night Monday night were preached by the Rev ather Basil as well as tonight's sermon Sev eral visiting of the district are assisting in the services The Rev ather Basil who comes from the Passionist House Louisville is a Kentuckian by birth having been born In Louisville MORTUARY MRS A COWHERD uneral services for Mrs Eva Cowherd 74 years old widow of A Cowherd who died at her home 202 East ourth street at 10 Sunday morning were conducted from the Third Bap tist church at 4 Monday afternoon by the Rev A Cagle pastor Mrs Cowherd before her mar riage was Miss Eva Mahon of Sorgho She is survived by one daughter Mrs Ola Cowherd ish er of Atlanta Ga one son Montie Cowherd of Indianapolis one granddaughter Lorine isherf Atlanta Ga two grandsons Murval Cowherd of Chicago and Ernest Cowherd of Indianapolis Honorary pallbearers were Gene Griffin Herman Riddle Charles Taylor Yewell Bottorf Clarence Walsh Billy Stuj geon active 51 Bottorf 1 Walker George Bailey leming Bowlds Couty and Clarence Cook Burial was in Elmwood cemetery EEL INE OR 10 Qvick relief iron headache If you have a headache or any of the little nagging pains that make you feel punk go to the drug store and ask for Stanback It will you up" at once Only 10 cents Ask your druggist for STANBAjCK by name and get vnat you ask for HSIEH TO HMILDIIMI1IE SCHOOL ELECTION CONTINUES HERE Boards Will Be Named At Dixon Clay Sebree Slaughters and Blackford of Honor Roll Grows Longer Each Day Many Kinds of Work Done Dixon Ky May 3 Board mem bers for five graded schools in the county will chosen in an elec tion next Saturday Election of Providence school board members is held In November In Dixon two members will be named to serve for three years and one will be elected to fill out the unexpired term of With ers who resigned upon acceptance of his appointment as highway commissioner The ballot will car ry the names of Cosby Campbell and Bennett for the three year term and Rayburn for the short term Perhaps the greatest interest In the school election is in Clay where tour tickets have been nom inated Two members are to be elected and ths tickets name candi dates as follows: Willie Black burn and a Loften Chester Townsend and Stanley Jenkins Pearce and Baker Hammack and Henry Mitchell our trustees are to be elected at Blackford One ticket includes the names of Miss Mina White Babb Ralph Little and Pickens On the other ticket are McCarthy Ira Bradburn Dr Henry Black and Hughey Cro well At Slaughters where only one member is to be named the names of Coffman and Rey nolds will appear on the ballot Sebree offers only one ticket and it names Dr Jenkins and Milton Ashby At a meeting of the Girl Re serve club of the high school last week the following officers for the year 1932 33 were elected: Doro thy Jackson president: Sarah Lou ise Smith vice president Louise Jackson secretary and Leia Win stead treasurer Outgoing officers are rances Winstead Melton president Hazel Winstead vice president Clovis Myers secretary: and Linda Bennett treasurer Judge A Hall is In receipt of a letter from the state tax com mission advising him that the com mission proposes a raise of prop erty assessment in Webster county of fifteen percent on town lotsand twenty five per cent on personal property Much Interest Is being taken in the home and building moderniz ing campaign being conducted by the Chamber of Commerce Else where this afternoon the Inquirer carries a list of those joining in the campaign to date A coupon is also carried which those enrolling this week in the campaign to modernize their property and give work to the unemployed are ask ed to check and mail to the Cham ber of Commerce This coupon gives a list of var ious kinds of work to be done to property to bring it up to date It also offers aid of tho home and building modernizing committee in making estimates and asks for a check to be made if this committee may assist in financing repairs It is pointed out by the Cham ber of Commerce that money may be saved by repairing and modern izing property at tills tme due to tho low cost of materials At tire same time services of competent men may be had and thus give employment to many unemploj'ed Kinds of work suggested include painting paperhanging roofing guttering brickwork woodwork carpentry plastering electrical flooring weather stripping ma sonry tiling fencing sidewalk plumbing sun porch garage house addition stone work roadway fireplace laundry and glazing A new project listed is a taber nacle being built by tho Salvation Army at 2518 West Second street About fifteen men are employed in erecting this building to seal 509 people These men are being paid in food by the post It is ex pected the building will be com pleted and ready for dedication nitf'rnonn heard about town I '1 he court of John 'Lihly jus tice of the peace was mover Mon day from its old quarters in St Ann street to its new home in rederi ca across the street from the courthouse No trials were conduct ed during the first day In tho new location it was staled Commencement At Clay Is Arranged Program or Week of May 17 Is Announced ffltl SOCIETY MEED DEWS $1722 Is Paid To City or Licenses orty Three New Yellow Auto Tags Are Issued Clay Ky May 3 Events of Commencement week for Clay high school have been scheduled Baccalaurata sermon will be de livered Sunday night May 17 by the Rev Charles A Humphrey of Marlon The Senior play "Loose Ankles" under the direction of Miss Mary rank Diuguid will be presented Tuesday night May 17 red1 Shultz superintendent of Sturgis schools will deliver the commencement address on riday night May 20 All the commence ment programs will be given in the school auditorium The Alumni banquet will be giv en in the school auditorium May 19 Rights of way for a road from ishtrap to Clay are being sought by a committee of interested citi zens A committee has been named to sea persons of their communi ties about rights of way including John Dilbeck Enoch and It Brantley Reports indicate that they are meeting with suc cess in their efforts The Clay Methodist church was host at a group meeting Monday afternoon The meeting was spon sored by the board of Christian i duci tfon Miss Barnett Spratt of Nashville Tenn and Rev II Short of Louisville ere to be the speaker 5 Employes At State Capitol Building Named rankfort Ky May 3 (P) Huddleston state ti'ensurer tinder authority of the state sink ing fund commission yesterday ap pointed five Louisville men as em ployes at the state capital They succeed rankfort men The appointees are: A Bauer electrician succeeding George Kal ter brun Dan Mahoney helper succeeding Dennis path Zel ler fireman succeeding Taylor Collins It woods fireman stm rwbng Pam Singleton and Ray Leatherman iler succeeding lem Tracy Mrs Pauline Bicknell Suicides At Louisvile Bou Isville Ky May 3 The body of Mrs Bicknell 50 was found hanging in a slicd nt the rear of her home here last night by her husband Anti Tuberculosis Board To Pay Part April Bills When Money Is Available A meeting of the Anti Tubercu losis board of directors was held at the health department Monday af ternoon Report of the visiting nurse Mrs Charles A Beatty shows 108 city visits and ten in the county were made during April and fourteen to the city schools to deliver supplies to nutrition classes A report on gain in weights was made by the Robert Lee school During April thirteen children gained 12 1 3 pounds Seven chil dren were absent the day the weights were made During April clothing distributed amounted to $15 Bread was given three times a week to several pa tients One fresh air cottage was repaired and rescreened Expenses for April totaled $110114 The society lacks $4990 to pay these bills as Its funds are tied up In the Central Trust Co It was voted to pay these bills as 1 unds are available During tho last few months ex penses have been met through benefit card parties and dona tions of friends interested in the work riends also are helping by supplying milk to patients by the month This amounts to $3 per month providing a quart a day per patient Those who will help in this way may call Mrs Ward Ped ley secretary or Mrs Beatty vis iting nurse 1 1 IV Smith presided at the meeting in lie absence of Mrs McCarty president 200 Legionnaires Attend Rockport District Meet Commander Mike Callas and about 200 member of the Amer ican Legion attended the district convention of the American Legion and Auxiliary at Rockport Ind Sunday Several members of the auxiliary attended Tho drum and bugle corps took part In a parade hold Sunday af ternoon About 1500 Legionnaires and members of the auxiliary from the Eighth district were in attend ance Tho Daviess county Post No 9 will meet at the club rooms at 7:30 v'elock Thursday night City license payments amounted to $1518 Monday the first day of the new fiscal year for the city of Owensboro This brought the total received on 1932 33 licensee to date to $17 22 a The number of new yellow auto mobile license tags issued was in creased to 43 yesterday All hut 13 of these were sold last week License payments will continue in the regular manner until June 3 when the for delinquent payments will be added Man Arrested At Glasgow or Murder In Louisville Louisville Ky May 3 John Kinslow 34 was arrested at Glas gow late today at the request of Louisville police who believe he killed Oscar Montgomery 49 found stabbed to death Sunday Deputy Sheriff Branstet ter of Barren county who arrest ed him said Kinslow declined to make a statement Kinslow is a brother in law of Henry Geiger in whose home at Louisvilla Mont gomery was found stabbed NOW STOP ALL PAIN INSTANTLY Just one drop does it then corn soon lifts off An uquu uis covered that actually ends all wor ry over corns One tiny drop stops pain instantly and a few more drops make the corn so loose you can lift it off your fin gers REEZONE the safe quick way to get rid of hard and soft corns and calluses Get a bot tle from your druggist and try it REEZONE DO YOU INHALE? Why is this Copr 1931 The Amerlcto Tohcco Co EVER since Lucky Strike created that special process for purifying fine tobacco and told the full facts about cigarette smoking the industry has been in an uproar or Lucky Strike has dared to mention things that were considered in the cigarette trade You may have noticed a striking avoidance generally of the word in cigarette advertising Why? Goodness only knows! or everybody inhales knowingly or unknow ingly! Every smoker breathes in some pat of the smoke he or she draws out of a cigarette 1 why all important to be certain AMERICA TUNB 7N ON STRIKE CO modern minutes with the world's finest dance orchestras and famous Lmk) Strike neus features every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday evening over networks that your cigarette smoke is pure and to be sure you inhale certain impurities Do you inhale? Lucky Strike has dared to raise this vital question for it gives you the protection you want because certain im purities concealed in even the finest mildest tobacco leaves are removed by Luckies' famous purifying process Luckies created that process Only Luckies have it! Your Throat against irritation against cough vital question so much avoided by other cigarettes? Er 1 yr i a.
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