The Niles Daily Star from Niles, Michigan (2024)

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The Niles Daily Stari

Niles, Michigan

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I NILES DAILY STAR NILES MICHIGAN THURSDAY EVENING 5 1904 NINETEENTH YEAR Special Sale of LOOPING THE LOOP IN MANCHURIA BLANKETS ire OR BOOK STORE to buy my sc HAD MURDERED A WHITE MAN BULK ARMY NEAR MUKDEN i a 1 3 Second Hand Books Bought Sold and Exchanged RICHTER blanket PLAGUE MOSQUITOS A I SETTLEMENT BLOCKED Geo Larkworthv SEL MADE MAN a loWd Evenings Saturday dis SHITLESS A SACK BEST AND A Universal Br Maker I SOLI) Warren Co 118 120 SECOND j'b addresses trying to dissuade They were hooted down in finally when Solicitor Pettus all who were in favor of the weak fowls IHIAGSSAALLS Scptem NEGHO IS LYNCHED IN COURT YARD AT HUNTSVILLE ALA Reduced Price for Children St Louis Sept 8 It was decided Wednesday that until the close of the fair school children will be ad mitted for ten cents each back the butcher work wages and to take up the wages of unskilled the other packers he ot through a window and out of the building into the He was caught a rope thrown his neck and taken to the court There was an immense crowd been mos from The Charlottesville Va for the alleged mur CRITICAL STAGE HIS RE TREAT PROBABLY PASSED a in half BASEBALL is said to have been taken hands of President Donnelly over to the conference eom The order Arrangements can be made at He is giving away Rulers Blotters and Sponges to all school children Militia Outwitted and iremen Held at Ray While Jail Is Burned Culprit Is Hanged to a Tree San Antonio Tex Sept A special to the Express from Mazatlan Mex says: A plague of mosquitos is reported from the town of Eldorado this state The insects are said to be of extraordi nary size and appear in swarms at night One woman it is reported has driven insane by the attacks of quitos and two infants have died the poisonous effects of their bites people of the town have appealed to the state authorities for aid and the au thorities have asked for experts from the City of Mexico The plague se ms to be confined to the town and vicinity the insects originating in nearby swamps Paris Dispatch However Says Battle Is Raging in ront of Sacred City and That Evacuation Is Proceeding Two Infants Reported Dead and Wom an Driven Insane by the Pests in Mexico Named for Governor Concom II Sept 8 or a second time the democrats of New Hampshire on Wednesday nominated Henry Hol lis of Concord to be their candidate for governor The state convention was held here DETROIT BUALO National league games on Wednesday: At Cincinnati (two games) Pittsburg 5 10 1 Cincinnati 3 9 2 Cincinnati 1 5 2 Pittsburg 1 4 4 (seven innings darkness) At St Louis (two games) Chicago 4 6 1 St Louis 3 6 4 St Louis 48 1 Chicago 1 2 1 At Boston 6 13 1 Boston 2 6 4 At New York New York 6 5 4 Philadel phia 3 8 4 American league: At Detroit De troit 9 12 2 Chicago 7 8 5 At Cleve land Cleveland 5 6 2 St Louis 1 5 3 At Philadelphia 3 11 1 New York 0 6 1 At Washington (two games) Boston 8 14 3 Wash ington 3 7 1 Washington 6 12 0 Boston 1 8 2 American association: At Minneapo lis (two games) Minneapolis 7 8 2 Milwaukee 2 7 7 Minneapolis 7 12 2 Milwuakee 2 5 3 At St Paul St Paul 3 5 2 Kansas City 2 6 0 (11 innings) At Louisville Columbus 2 8 2 Louis ville 1 8 0 (ten innings) At Indianap olis Indianapolis 3 9 1 Toledo 0 3 0 Western league: At Omaha Omaha 12 15 4 Sioux City 5 7 3 At St Jo seph Des Moines 6 8 2 St' Joseph 2 9 4 At Denver (twogames) Colorado Springs 9 2 Denver 2 9 2 Colorado Springs 5 14 2 Denver 3 6 3 Three I league: At Bloomington Bloomington 9 Decatur 0 (forfeit) At Rock Springfield 4 8 3 Rock Island 1 3 2 Is the term generally applied to the man who lets his fences fall into ill repair while he whistles and whittles his time away But many a well dressed prosperous man who is equally shiftless He feels his health breaking down but does nothing to repair it His stomach is His heart and liver trouble him He neg lects his health until a total breakdown comes Men and women who by self neglect become at last victims of nervous pros tration and general debility will find certain help and an almost certain cure in the use of Dr Golden Med ical Discovery The common cause of debility is lack of nutrition because the stomach is diseased and the food eaten cannot be properly digested and assimilated Dr Golden Med ical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition and restores physical health by enabling the perfect diges tion and assimilation of food I am an engineer by trade and the hard work and worry of running a large engine brought on nervous writes Mr Chas Dixon of Arbuckle Colusa Co Calif friend recommended Dr Golden Medical Discovery to me and I bought one bottle thought it helped me so continued the use of it until I had taken six bottles I feel better than ever in my life Am not a particle nervous can work hard all day and sleep sound at night I not only think so but I know that the Golden Med ical Discovery cured me and therefore I will recommend it to Dr Pleasant Pellets cure biliousness and sick headache Says Battle Is Raging Taris Sept 8 The St Petersburg cor respondent of the Echo de Paris says: great battle is going on before Muk den The irst and Seventeenth corps are engaged against Gen Kuroki Gen Kuropatkin with the bulk of his troops is moving toward Russian losses of August 31 and September 1 and 2 are estimated at 21 300 Those of the Japanese are believed to have been Out of Danger St Petersburg Sept 8 The general staff is not displaying great anxiety over the alarmist reports that Gen Ku ropatkin is in serious danger of being cut off but if they had any informa tion from the front Wednesday they hae not revealed it The members also decline to say even if they know wheth er Gen Kuropatkin purposes taking his army north of Mukden An officer of the general staff said Wednesday night: believe it is safe to say that Gen Kuropatkin's army is now out of danger Our advices since Monday indicate that the fighting is of an insignificant character and I do not believe that the tired Japanese troops are capable of seriously threatening the line of retreat The greatest difficulty our army is now having to contend with is the terrible roads owing to the rain of Monday and Tuesday Our informa tion is that the bulk of the baggage has already passed through Mukden This is the usual procedure in the case of any retreat" Both Armies Exhausted movements after all must depend chiefly on the tactics of the Japanese with whom lies the in itiative If the Japanese continue to press north in the hope of cutting off the Russians and bringing them to bay then Kuropatkin will be obliged to move north to circumvent them But both armies already are terribly exhausted ard if they again come into grip the re sult will depend largely upon which of them is able to throw the most fresh re Drug and Book Store Another Victim Moberly Mo Sept 8 lIrs lora Ryther of Macon Mo who was injured in the Wabash wreck near Pendleton Mo Tuesday died Wednesday ruit of the Palm Drake's Palmetto Wine a tonic laxative un failing specific from pure juice of the wonderful Palmetto fruit Gives immediate relief and ab solutely permanent cure in all cases of Catarrh Stomach Troubles latulency Constipation Congested Kidneys and Inflammation of der Seventy five cents nt Drug Stores fcr a large bottle usual dollar size but a trial bottle will be sent free and prepaid to every reader of this paper who writes for It A letter or postal card addressed to Drake ormula Company Drake Building Chicago Ill is the only ex pense to secure a trial of Palmetto Wine One small doso a day cures to stay cured polled in all the cities In Chi a few more than 3000 votes were The total count showed that of the strikers were opposed to the terms and that 2411 favored them The vote in Chicago cast on the advice of many of the union leaders was strongly against the peace terms Offi cially the total figures showed that 25597 were opposed to returning to work while only 2411 favored the peace terms These figures were given out by the canvassing board which de li ded that should be Live vote Control out of the md given mittee of the allied trades that all meat in the city should be classed as after midnight Wednesday was revoked by Donnelly until the conference board could act While the leaders seeng at sea regarding the next move the packers continue to operate their plants in Chi cago as well as elsewhere The em ployers were reticent in discussing the result of the referendum vote and look the stand that the outcome mat tered little to them It was said Mr Armour had been actuated most by humanitarian motives in agreeing to the conference with President Don nellj" and that in declaring his will ingness to take men at the old the question of workmen with had gone as far as the employers pos sibly could go towards bringing about a settlement of the strike Will Stand by Donnelly East St Louis Ill Sept 8 Packing house strikers Wednesday in mass meet ing voted to stand by the action of Presi dent Donnelly who wired them by the referendum vote it had been decided to continue the strike although the East Side strikers by a of 17G0 to 511 had voted on Tuesday to put an end to the lockout President tele gram stated that the referendum vote was in favor of continuing the strike that a counter proposal would be sub mitted and that the East St Louis strikers would be informed of the next move Just what the propostion is or who will submit it is not known Omaha Neb Sept 8 Two hun dred packing house strikers returned to work Wednesday as a result of the vote taken Tuesday on the question of discontinuing the strike Chicago Sept 8 The Chicago strikers were responsible for the fail ure of the referendum effort to end the strike The complete returns of the vote cast Tuesday on the peace propo sitions showed that only 5823 votes were cago cast 302 Noted Indian ighter Dead 'Baltimore Md Sept Maj Henry Seton of New York a veteran of the United States army in the civil and Spanish American wars a noted In dian fighter with Gen Crook a brother of Archbishop Seton of Rome and a grandson of Mothter Elizabeth Ann Bailey Seton founder of the Sisters of Charity in the United States is dead market December closed Chinaman Perishes Bakersfield Cal Sept 8 ire broke out in the engine house of the ipcal fire department Wednesday afternoon and destroyed two blocks in the central part of the city? A Chinaman named Ah ong was suffocated Loss probably 5250000 white common white 40c Choice of Connecticut Democrats New Haven Conm Sept 8 In an en thusiastic convention held at the Hy perion theater the demo cratic state ticket was placed in nomina tion headed A 1 lent on Robertson of New Haven for governor Nominated for Congress Sheboygan Wis Sept Roy Morse of ond du Lac has been nom inated for congress by the Sixth rlct republican convention THE MARKETS rem nants 7 CLZVELA THE RAIL ROUTE AIR SLLOUIS DAILY SERVICE MAY 2Gth Improved Express Service (IL hours) Between DETROITand BUALO Leave DETROIT 400 Arrive BUALO 730 A Counectmir ith for nil in NEW YORK PlXNNYLYAMA and 5 LW ENGLAND Leave BUALO Daily 530 Arrive DETRCiT tfc 730 A Cnnnortine with ast Trains for AIR ST LOUIS niitl THE EsT it Co for Msrklnnr 1 nnl Xurthern Mkhk an ItarrU Rate between Detroit and oneway $50 round trip Berths $100 Staterooms $250 ea direction Send 2c Stamp Tllnsrntod Pamphlet Send 2c Stamp Tourist Ratos RAILTICKETS HONORED ON STEAMERS irst class Sccond Tourist Special Conventions air St Ixnus) reading via Grand Trunk Hy or Michigan Central Ky between BUALO and DETROIT will be accepted tor A A Schantz A Transportation on fc Stms A DtiroittMich Decision of Chicago Strikers to Con tinue the ight Ends Chance for Peace Huntsville Ala Sept 8 After set ting fire to the jail and smoking out the prisoner while the fire department was held at bay with guns and the sheriff his deputies and the soldiers outwitted a mob estimated at over 2000 persons Wednesday night lynched Horace Maples a negro accused of murdering John Waldrop Maples was hanged on a tree on the court house lawn The crowd began to gather in the aft ernoon and as soon as the details of the crime spread throughout the country in which Waldrop had a number of friends and before the militia which was or dered from Birmingham by Gov Cun ningham arrived the mob had swelled to enormous proportions The sheriff and his deputies pluckily stood their ground but they' were powerless before the mob and the fire The local mili tary company was called out but they were outwitted by the men who con ceived the idea of smoking out the prisoner At 10:25 o'clock the jail was set afire in the rear A dense smoke spread through the upper stories and cells of the building' The fire department was not allowed to appreach within a block of the scene and was driven away with bul lets The crowd on the outside would allow nobody to enter or come out until the person of Horace Maples was sur rendered The sheriff and his guards would not give in but in some manner tne negro jumped crowd around house on the lawn While Maples was confessing his crime and implicating a white man and two more negroes John Wallace Jr and Solicitor Erie Pettus delivered im passioned the mob turn but called on law taking its course to hold up their hands about half in the big crowd of seeral thousand did so There was cheering for a moment but the men with the rope pulled the negro away threw the end of the rope over a limb and drew him up The negro was dead few minutes Wife Murder Charged Richmond Va Sept Samuel mayor of has been arrested der of his wife Our line oi school supplies surpasses any thing heretofore and we guarantee you the best quality in every article yon buy at a price so all and everyone can afford to have them Come in and take a look and satisfy yourself we will be glad to show you Scores Made by Professional Teams in the Contests on Wednesday serves into the fight If there is a race northward it is apparent that the great est danger will come at the narrow defile of Tiehling north of Mukden hut the authorities seem fairly well satisfied with the situation and are confident of its ultimate outcome No Stop at Mukden Mukden Sept (delayed in transmis sion) Part of the Russian army which is coming to Mukden by wagon road is in danger of being cut off All day and night Monday the Japanese in the hills on the east road shelled the Russian troops In one instance the Japanese infantry attacked a largo force of Rus sian infantry and artillery which had taken to the hills running parallel to the Japanese in protecting the flank of the retreating army Troops guns and transport are pouring into Mukden by train and road Conriderable transport was left behind The roads are in a frightful state owing to heavy rain Monday The main Russian army push ing northward is evacuating Mukden Japs Celebrate Victory Tokio Sept The general staff has not yet made public any details of the battle of Liaoyang The people are still celebrating the victory but there is con siderable speculation over the official silence regarding Gen move ments since Sunday It is reported that the Japanese notwithstanding the rav ages of fire captured vast accumula tions of Russian stores and ammunition at Liaoyang The report that Lieut Teraouchi son of Lieut Gen Teraouchi minister cf war was killed in the fight ing before Liaoyang is denied Wednes doubts At nine o'clock on the evening of the 29th a Russian regiment made a sudden onslaught on the Japanese trenches and at the point of the bayonet the Japanese were forced to the redoubt No 2 The Russians were unable to proceed further than this redoubt be cause of the fierce fire poured in upon them by the Japanese According to comment made by the Novi Krai this re doubt had edvidently been greatly strengthened during the previous night On the cast flank the remainder of the night of the 29th was quiet Nothing occurred on the west flank during the night of the 29th On the morning of August 30 Russian artillery dispersed a small body of Japanese cavalry London Sept 8 There is no news from the far east either from Russian or Japanese sources or the world watchers of the great tragedy the cur tain has been dropped and all is con jecture Not even an expression of opin ion comes from Japanese sources but from St Petersburg it is indicated that the authorities are confident the critical stage of the Russian retreat is past and that Kuropatkin is no longer in danger of losing any part of his forces to the pursuing Japanese The Russian com mander has arrived at Mukden and it 4s given out in St Petersburg that the bulk of his army is now near there while a dispatch from Mukden filed Tuesday says that the main Russian army is pushing northward and evacuating that place It is indicated that the Japa nese are still harrassing the Russian rear urther than this nothing is known An absolute neves silence pre vails dual Two any person not voting counted as casting a nega vo Victims of Wreck Altoona Pa Sept A disastrous freight wreck occurred at Kittanning Point about 10:30 Wednesday night in which two men were killed four injured and a number of cars wrecked WOT til misses men To Barren Lake Round Trip 30 Cents Wood Bros will make round trips Sun day only leaving from the corner of Main and ifth streets at 9:00 a and 1:30 Band wagon will leave lake on last re turn trip at 0 for special parties all times prices One line blankets pies in pairs and pairs at 1 3 off from reg ular price blankets tor $200 $600 blankets for $400 $900 blankets for $600 and so on We also have regular line of blanketsin cotton We also sample un der and supplies He has a fine line of books and supplies better than and cheaper too Specials for August We offer one line undershirts and drawers ior 25c worth 50c re hosiery 10c 5 tor ladies children and A Combination That Be Bd DR LaRZ! COMPOf Ujjltoi 25 cents Drugs IsflauRXNCiO Phlladelp New York Sept 7 Showed better inquiry but sales were light WHEAT Spot irregular No 2 red 5111 market closed net advance May $110lll closed $111 her closed $111 December 111 3 1G closed $110 CORN Spot steady No 2 E9c September closed 59 7c Spot easy 'mixed natural white 361V'i'371ic clipped white Live Stock Chicago Sept 7 HOGS Market active and feeling llrmer Prices were Ec higher Sales ranged at $50011565 for pigs for light $485510 for rough packing $530(0585 for mixed ant! $5151(565 for heavy pacing and shipping lots with the bulk of thedlng at $53011565 for fair to good averaiJBL Market active feoBK Quotationii ranged at $5500 to extra steers $475(fi5C5 for do $40045490 Eor fair to goodlHI Domestics We offer linen crash at 4c and 5c that cannot be matched also crash at 2i We close our fines of lawns at 2c and 3c also better grades Lonsdale bleached sheeting others at 5c and 6c You will be unable to match our goods for the money for common to medium ro sitwaasa for fed western steers 3 for Stockers and feeders S100U375 for cows $1907440 for heifers $19041365 lor bulls for stags $275''i4Oi' for Texas steers $250 lii 425 fdr grass westerns and $1003600 for veal calves Si Market rated lather active eeling easy a nd prides EfflOC lower Quo COME AND SEE US Geo yman Co SOUTH BEND 45c up to $125 have the cotton blankets way priced AVe make the season in August We every kind of blanket in wool and cot ton less money than anyone and have the goods to deliver 8 5 81 Grain Provisions Etc Chicago Sept 7 Moderate demand and steady Higher September 101: December Higher Sept eml er 5 (i jc December May 19tf50c Lower September 21 bj li 31c December May 35i RYE Weak No 2 in store sam ples 70tU71l14c September delivery 69c Steady to firm Low grade malting 4')ig43c fair to good choice fancy possibly 55c BUTTER Market ruling steady Cream eries per pound dairies 12i(i6c Holding steady resh eggs at mark new cases included 1416c per dozen prime firsts 18c extras LIVE Unsettled and Turkeys per ll JO'iiKc chickens llc ducks 10011c Stronger Red and stock per bu 43tj Geo Larkworthy of Benton Har bor is capable of filling the position to which he aspires He is Secretary of the ree stone Pickle Co He Has never held a political office but lias filled several responsible 7 positions AUGUST Geo Vkman Co offer during fe August Blankets at ALACK VICIIM REVENGE it 115 natives J4 5 I tl western pin nabs KUROPATKIN IS OUT DANGER A vsion Candidate Emporia Kan Sept The demo crats and populists of the Kan sas district nominated Lawrence for congress Death List Increased A Macon Mo Sept The death list of the Wabash wreck near Warrenton Mo Tuesday has reached a total of 13 Democratic Candidate OR COUNTY CLERK dav ighting at Port Arthur Cliefoo Sept iring was heard here indistinctly Wednesday evening A copy of the Port Arthur Novi Krai dated August 31 published detached in cidents of the fighting of August 29 and 30 on the Russian east flank On the evening of the 29th the Japa nese opened a heavy lire from ort No 3 and other points directing their larger guns chiefly at the Russian positions on a hill called the Small Eagle Nest At Shusiiiyen the Japanese removed the roofs from a number of Chinese houses strongly constructed of mud and stone and eon verted them into excellent re Listen I Can you hea What? The sc Are you going Why! Down Richte Ils TU nKme I 'z' li mt fa' i 1 WO frr wit Mia Wlir IS fill Bl0 PaM JcIylaB co 7 fe Rww bl 7' tw i I A I I.

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The Niles Daily Star from Niles, Michigan (2024)
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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Views: 5735

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (55 voted)

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Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.