Where to park at Citizens Bank Park | Philadelphia Phillies (2024)

Car Parking

The cost of car parking is $25. Any oversized vehicle that takes up more than one spot will be charged $50 (as of 9/29/22).

Bus Parking

The cost of bus parking is $50 and groups can prepay for bus parking, which is available in Lots M, N and Q (limited on 10th Street).

Handicapped Parking

There are handicapped parking areas surrounding Citizens Bank Park (must have placard or proper plates).

Preferred Parking

Preferred parking customers should use their preferred parking pass to gain entry to a parking lot. Some lots are exclusive to preferred customers only (see map). There are no assigned parking spots within the lots.

Pre-paid Parking

Pre-paid parking customers should use their pre-paid parking pass to gain entry to a parking lot. These lots will also accommodate customers who pay with cash.


There is no advertising, selling, or vending of any kind in any Citizens Bank Park parking lots. This includes any tailgates that may have an unapproved sponsor attached to it. Non-compliance may result in removal from the parking lot.


Tailgating will be permitted in the following parking lots: A-H, M, N & O. Tailgating is not permitted in parking lots West of Darien Street and North of Pattison Avenue. Tailgating lots will open five hours prior to the schedule start time. Non-tailgating lots will open three hours prior to the scheduled start time.

Uber RideShare Lot

Lot T is designated for Uber RideShare for all Citizens Bank Park and Wells Fargo Center events. Fans should exit the Third Base Gate and walk along Pattison Avenue toward Broad Street to enter the lot and request a vehicle, which will meet each rider in the designated area. The lot includes an Uber-branded lounge with seating and a charging station.

Casino Parking

Fans attending games are encouraged to park in Phillies designated lots rather than the Philly Live! casino parking on North 10th Street (see map). Preferred and Pre-Paid parking passes will not be accepted in the Philly Live! casino lots.

Public Transportation

Contact Septa at 215-580-7800 or visit septa.org.

Where to park at Citizens Bank Park | Philadelphia Phillies (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.